Functional Medicine

Clark Wellness, PLLC

Angelica Clark

(254) 386-8149

About Angelica

    Clark Wellness, PLLC is a Functional Medicine and Weight Loss practice in Waco and Hamilton Texas where Angelica Clark PA-C IFMCP, treats conditions such as thyroid problems, hormone imbalance using bioidentical hormone replacement, overweight, obesity, low testosterone, mold toxicity, neurotransmitters imbalance, low moods, anxiety, allergies and gut health issues. She addresses the root cause of imbalance using mostly natural approaches to health and wellness. She does use pharmaceuticals when indicated.     

   Angelica Clark PA-C is the only Practitioner in the Waco are who is certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine -IFM. She has been in this field since 2008 and has helped hundreds of men and women to feel well, get well and stay well.  

 Angelica Clark understands that normal ranges do not always mean optimal. She interprets lab results as a guide in the context of an extensive health history in order to identify root causes and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. As a former nutritionist, she is an expert in lifestyle changes to help you achieve success, whether it is to recover your old self or to stay healthy.

Starting on March 2, 2023 ~ Angelica will be seeing patients at 
The Natural Health Center of Waco
2 to 3 days per week by appointment only.

Call Today!!
(254) 386-8149